Tree Removal - Time Lapse

On April 28th, 2017 Sandy was put on a flight from China to the USA. She landed safely and was reunited with my brother Jeff.
Thank you to all of those people who helped get her home.
I started this Arduino project with the objective to be able to login to an ethernet server on my home network and turn a computers power on and off. I have an old server that I seldom need and I don't want to leave running all of the time but when I do need it I want to be able to remotely power it up. I also run this website from a server on my network and it occasionally hangs and needs to be powered down and back up. This project, when complete will allow me to control up to four devices. I did my testing with a relay board but I will switch to solid state switches to do the actual power switching. Once I have completed the packaging I will post another article documenting what I did.
Below is the Arduino/Webduino code.
I tested it in Chrome and it worked fine. When I tried it in IE9 I had an issue where IE set the Document Mode to quirks. When I set it to IE9 standards it worked fine.
I was also able to test it on my Android phone using the web browser
Please leave a Facebook comment at the bottom of this article.
//***************************************************** #define WEBDUINO_AUTH_REALM "Authentication Required" #include "SPI.h" #include "Ethernet.h" #include "WebServer.h" static uint8_t mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; static uint8_t ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 111 }; #define PREFIX "/control" WebServer webserver(PREFIX, 85); // Set the number of relays you want to be active. // Only active relays show on the web page // Inactive = 1 Active = 0 int Relay1active = 0; int Relay2active = 0; int Relay3active = 0; int Relay4active = 0; // Set the power up state of each relay //OFF = 1 ON = 0 int Relay1state = 0; int Relay2state = 0; int Relay3state = 0; int Relay4state = 1; //Button Labels String R1text = "Server Power"; String R2text = "Relay2"; String R3text = "PC Power"; String R4text = "Garage Door"; void defaultCmd(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *url_tail, bool tail_complete) { /* username = admin * password = admin * "YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" is the Base64 representation of "admin:admin" */ if (server.checkCredentials("YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=")) { //************************** // process post data here //************************** if (type == WebServer::POST) { bool repeat; char name[16], value[16]; do { repeat = server.readPOSTparam(name, 16, value, 16); if (strcmp(name, "Relay1") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0) { digitalWrite(2, HIGH); } else if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) { digitalWrite(2, LOW); } } if (strcmp(name, "Relay2") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0) { digitalWrite(3, HIGH); } else if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) { digitalWrite(3, LOW); } } if (strcmp(name, "Relay3") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0) { digitalWrite(4, HIGH); } else if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) { digitalWrite(4, LOW); } } if (strcmp(name, "Relay4") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0) { digitalWrite(5, HIGH); } else if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) { digitalWrite(5, LOW); } } } while (repeat); server.httpSeeOther(PREFIX); return; } server.httpSuccess(); if (type == WebServer::GET) { P(messagestart) = " <title></title> " "" " <h1>Power Control</h1> " " <form action="/control" method="POST">"; P(messageend) = " <p><a href="/control/logout.html">LOGOUT</a></p> " "</form> "; server.printP(messagestart); if (Relay1active == 0) { if (digitalRead(2) == 0){ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay1" style="background-color:#088A08; color:#FFFFFF;" value="0">"); server.print(R1text); server.print(" - is On</button></p> "); } else{ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay1" style="background-color:#CC0000; color:#FFFFFF;" value="1">"); server.print(R1text); server.print("- is Off</button></p> "); } } if (Relay2active == 0) { if (digitalRead(3) == 0){ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay2" style="background-color:#088A08; color:#FFFFFF;" value="0">"); server.print(R2text); server.print(" - is On</button></p> "); } else{ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay2" style="background-color:#CC0000; color:#FFFFFF;" value="1">"); server.print(R2text); server.print("- is Off</button></p> "); } } if (Relay3active == 0) { if (digitalRead(4) == 0){ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay3" style="background-color:#088A08; color:#FFFFFF;" value="0">"); server.print(R3text); server.print(" - is On</button></p> "); } else{ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay3" style="background-color:#CC0000; color:#FFFFFF;" value="1">"); server.print(R3text); server.print("- is Off</button></p> "); } } if (Relay4active == 0) { if (digitalRead(5) == 0){ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay4" style="background-color:#088A08; color:#FFFFFF;" value="0">"); server.print(R4text); server.print(" - is On</button></p> "); } else{ server.print(" <p><button name="Relay4" style="background-color:#CC0000; color:#FFFFFF;" value="1">"); server.print(R4text); server.print("- is Off</button></p> "); } } server.printP(messageend); } } else { server.httpUnauthorized(); } } void logoutCmd(WebServer &server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char *, bool) { server.httpUnauthorized(); P(logoutMsg) = " <h1>You have been logged out!</h1> <p>Goodbye</p> "; server.printP(logoutMsg); } void setup() { if (Relay1active == 0){ pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //Set pin as output if (Relay1state == 0){ digitalWrite(2, LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(2, HIGH); } } if (Relay2active == 0){ pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //Set pin as output if (Relay2state == 0){ digitalWrite(3, LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(3, HIGH); } } if (Relay3active == 0){ pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //Set pin as output if (Relay3state == 0){ digitalWrite(4, LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(4, HIGH); } } if (Relay4active == 0){ pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //Set pin as output if (Relay4state == 0){ digitalWrite(5, LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(5, HIGH); } } Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); webserver.setDefaultCommand(&defaultCmd); webserver.addCommand("index.html", &defaultCmd); webserver.addCommand("logout.html", &logoutCmd); webserver.begin(); } void loop() { webserver.processConnection(); } //*****************************************************